mardi 12 octobre 2010
New Radio Station !
For Winamp and iTunes
For Windows Media Player
Real Player
All Other Players
vendredi 30 octobre 2009
Boxstr Down !!!!
Harrgggg , I will be slowly re-posting all files
dimanche 18 octobre 2009
Ursula Bogner - Recordings 1969-1988 - Faitiche - LP

Were it not for a chance meeting between two men on a airplane, more likely than not Ursula Bogner's entire musical oeuvre would have remained forever unheard. One of these men was Jan Jelinek while the other was Sebastian Bogner (Ursula's son), who through the course of some small talk and general chit chat revealed that his mother had spent 20 years dabbling in experimental electronic music unbeknownst to the rest of civilization. Her musical pursuits seem to have been relegated to being a mere hobby, something she would get up to in her spare time at home, tucked away in a makeshift studio. Bogner was a pharmacist by profession and a wife and mother at home, but it seems that there was something of a double life going on, and these fifteen tracks of fascinating experimentation reveal a talent that far exceeds her 'keen amateur' status. You mightn't necessarily think of all these pieces as musical compositions in the strictest sense, but rather sound designs and feats of engineering in the same sort of vein as Raymond Scott, although besides the wild and adventurous sonorities to be found in 'Metazoon' and the like, there are more conventionally structured pieces along the way, such as the comical electroacoustic jaunt 'Begleitung For Tuba' and 'Fur Ulrich' a piece composed for Ursula's husband's birthday. Although not always as overtly musical as her Radiophonic counterparts, it wouldn't be unreasonable to think of Bogner as a hausfrau version of Daphne Oram, or a Deutsch Delia Derbyshire, and her enormous talent deserves to be recognised by the widest possible audience. Sadly, Ursula passed away in 1994 and so never got to witness an electronic musician of Jan Jelinek's prestige celebrating her work. Better late than never though . (Boomkat)
Pretty brilliant !! but is this another Jan Jenilek's side project or a real person ? I leave this up to you .
jeudi 15 octobre 2009
Bernard Parmegiani - Dedans Dehors - INA-GRM - LP
Francois Bayle - Jeita - Prospective 21 eme Siecle
After leaving GRM in 1997, he founded his own electronic music studio, the Studio Magison, where he has devoted himself to research, writing and composition.
Luc Ferrari - Héterozygote / J'ai été coupé - Prospective 21eme Siecle
He participated from 1954 to 1958 in the “Internationale Ferienkurse Darmstadt” - international vacation courses, where he had friendly relations with Stockhausen, Nono, Berrio, , . Later and afterwards Pierre Schaeffer still increased his urge to break the dams which force the musical traditions until then. Ferrari could only withdraw himself from dogmas.
Overwhelmed by «Déserts» from Varese , he likewise discovered at the broadcast, he decided immediately in the year 1954 to visit him in New York. He dedicated this trip of several weeks on a freighter to the composition of piano pieces. His attraction to the musique concrète and his collaboration with Pierre Schaeffer from 1957 to 1966 led him to extend the notion of abstract music, to want to tear the membrane between the genresThe first portable tape recorders allowed him to collect outside of the studios the sound for his piece Hétérozygote.
mardi 13 octobre 2009
André Almuro - Musiques Experimentales - Disques Ades- LP

Born 1927 . Piano studies since childhood , he quickly embarks in sound research by 1950 he was producer at the RDF Radio and by 1958 was part of the "Groupe de Recherches Musicales de l'ORTF"
Here is an ultimate classic in the genre from 1967 , though I think that all this man touched is genius .
Since the 90's he has been making movies.
mercredi 4 mars 2009
Rodolfo Caesar - Cuare - Private Press LP
Superb album by under-looked Brazilian Composer Rodolfo Caesar. Private press of 300-500 copies ??? (1975). This is huge !!! it's all here, Electronics ,Avant Gard, Concrete , superbly composed ;executed with distinct passion of the art form.
Born in Rio de Janeiro, 1950; is Lecturer at the School of Music in UFRJ, Brazil, where he coordinates LaMuT – Music and Technology Lab (Laboratório de Música e Tecnologia). Caesar works also as researcher at the National Council of Research (Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa).
samedi 14 février 2009
Sebastien Roux- Revers Ouest - Room 40 - CD

Super talented young french artist Sebasien Roux (with various guests on Cello , prepared piano , drums and voices) on an all out Concrete frenzy , one of my favourite releases so far this year. I am really enjoying this new generation of Acousmatic/concrete composers who have being emerging for the last 10 years , the compositions have an extra edge and this is is a perfect example totally picking up where INA-GRM left off , and I am talking about the GRM vinyl series that were such instant classics. Extremely refined and yet sometimes even aggressive atmospheric , great compositions ! Highest recommendations !!!
Fernando Grillio / Dumitrscu / Nemescu / Cazaban / Surianu - Electrecord 2XLP
The fantastic Fernando Grillio teaming up with all star Romanian composers , Iancu Dumitrescu , Octavian Nemescu, Costin Cazaban , Horia Surianu.
Truly on my mind Grillio was the only real candidate to perform these pieces.
Grillio is well known for his technical accomplishment and one of the rare to accomplish such sonic detail and timbral finesse I can imagine that these pieces were written with Grillio specifically in mind.
Double bass , prepared pianos ,gongs ,Crystals ,Synths ,saws and Cobza (Romanian luth)
jeudi 15 janvier 2009
Arthur Pétronio - Arthur Pétronio - Igloo
Pétronio (born 1897) a remarkable artist to the fullest meaning of the word. Firstly he had a very important career as a violinist , performer and composer)
Then later on turned his interest in painting firstly with later on becoming close friend with Kadinsky and Klee , Moholy-Nagy and following the abstract painting movements of the time.
Also an author he published several poetry books.
Here Pétronio's only known recording (though he is also included in the Poesia Sonora box set from cramps) reveals his ingenious approach to sound poetry. great journey in an artists mind. A favourite from the already very impressive igloo catalogue.
lundi 12 janvier 2009
Kid Baltan and Tom Dissevelt - The Fascinating World of Electronic Music - Philips LP
Some of the earliest electronic recordings were produced, in the late-1950s by Netherlands-based composers/keyboardists Tom Dissevelt and technician Kid Baltran (born: Dick Raaijmakers). Their 1957 debut album, Song Of The Second Moon, included the groundbreaking electronic composition, "Sonik Re-entry". Although they continued to collaborate on an album, Glas in 1958 and a seven-inch single, "Electronic Moments" in 1959, Dissevelt had replaced Baltran with another technician when he recorded his 1964 album, Fantasy In Orbit. Fun record !!
Listen 1,Liten 2,Listen 3
dimanche 11 janvier 2009
Pietro Grossi - Elettro Musica No.2 - Leo
Here is favourite of mine from Pitero Grossi. Sometimes twisted and very aggressive electronics followed by some mellower moments and bang more FM synthesis madness 'a la ' Pietro Grossi . Pietro Grossi was a cellist and composer, born in Venice in 1917. He founded the S 2F M (Studio de Fonologia Musicale di Firenze) in 1963 in order to experiment with electronic sound and composition, basing his work on explorations of very reduced material until his death in 2002.
Guiliani Sorgini - Elettroformule - Leo /Vinyl
VA - Associacio Catalana De Compositors Vol 1. / Ensayo-Eny
No doubt in my mind the standout track on this is Andres Lewin-Richter's " sequencia 2" (included as mp3 below) delicious , deliriously soaked analog syhth mayhem , beautifully recorded ! I could say this track has balls !!! As for the the rest which includes Juan José Olives , Albert Sarda Miguel Roger David Padros simply good quality modern Classical. .
lundi 5 janvier 2009
Orchid Spangiafora-Flee Past’s Ape Elf-Twin/Tone Records 1979 / Vinyl
samedi 3 janvier 2009
Lelo Nazario - Discurso Aos Objetos / Balada Unidimensional - Private Press Vinyl
Outside of Brazil Lelo Nazario is unfortunatly no household name .Recognized as a very original composer and pianist and one of the creators of GRUPO UM, he works in the areas of avant-garde , musique concrete and jazz. Trying to find more info on I did discover , and was not surprised that he had also worked , with Hermeto Pascoal and luiz Roberto Oliveira . An exceptional pianist indeed , but this skillfully crafted musique concrete pressed on 45 rpm vinyl slab should make head turns !!
Discurso aos objectos (1978) , full of concrete wizardry and unpredictable complexity could make Krishna turn into a bad boy !
Balada Unidimensional (1983) teaming up with guitarist Paulo Bellinati , shows traits of heart felt classical guitar improve , closely followed and answered by Nazario
samedi 15 novembre 2008
Natasha Barrett - Isostasie - Empreintes Digitales CD

Natasha Barret has won numerous awards in the field and is one one of the most talented artists in the new generation of acousmatic and Musique concrete scene.
More info can be found on her own site
vendredi 14 novembre 2008
Masci & Bacalov - Pitturamusica / Corpopaessagio - General Music
Bacalov has been nominated twice at the Academy Awards for his score of The gospel according to St Matthew in 1967 and winning the award for for Il postino in 1996.
In the early 1970s, he collaborated with Italian Prog bands New Trolls , Ossana and il Rovescio dedella Medaglia
jeudi 13 novembre 2008
T.A.G.C. - Meontological Research Recording - Record 1- Sweatbox
Side A recorded December 13, 1986 in Berlin. This work was further manipulated and later entitled Test Tones . Side B is an abridged live version of the soundtrack for Burning Water, recorded February 14, 1987 in Berlin.
mardi 11 novembre 2008
Ivan Pequeno-Ahora!- Eleven
Gary Kail / Zurich 16 " Creative Nihilism" Iridescence 2XLP
Gary Kail is a mystery to me , this is the only recording I know of his , some other works seam to have appeared on some early 80's tapes , but apart from that .................. I have no clue !
All I hope is that he is still doing music somewhere and did not fall in that broken dreams category , which really does happen 99% of the time , leaving that dreaded 'complete 'bollocks' 1% of horrific music!!!!!! but hey hey who am I to judge ! The music I love inspired me to start this blog in the first place !!! but so did the music I hate !!!!!
Recorded between 1979 and 1983 at the New Underground Recording Studio. and spread on 2xlp (one Gary Kail and other Zurich 16)
This is all fun tape manipulations , DIY , Field recording , experimental , concrete must have album .
mercredi 1 octobre 2008
Yuri Kalendarev-Sound Sculptures -Die Schachtel / LP and CD

dimanche 28 septembre 2008
Felix Werder - The Tempest - Pogus

Regarded as being at the forefront of the Australian musical avant-garde, Werder's music has been widely performed. His early twelve-tone music has given way to a more improvisatory, collage-like style that often makes virtuosic demands on its performers.
Werder has been an Adult Education class lecturer in music since 1956 and held the position of music critic for the Melbourne daily newspaper The Age from 1960 to 1977 before moving into radio, developing a series on contemporary music with Keith Humble for the ABC.
Felix Werder has written for a wide variety of musical media, including chamber music, orchestral and music theatre works, and has received numerous commissions from organisations such as Deutsch Opera (1967), the ABC (1969), the Australian Opera (1969), the National Theatre (1975), the Victorian State Opera (1976), and the Berlin Festival (1987). He has also received awards for his compositions, including the Stamitz Prize in 1988, and the Sir Zelman Cowan Medal in 1991. He was created a Member of the Order of Australia for services to music in January 1976.
In 2002 a number of concerts featuring Werder's music helped celebrate the composer's 80th birthday. Further tribute was paid by the University of Melbourne, which awarded Werder the degree of Doctor of Music.
Anestis Logothetis "Hör!-spiel” Necrologlog 1961 Fantasmata 1960 - Jeunesse Musicales/ Preiser Records
Aggressive journey of concrete sounds and complete mayhem, industrial sound scapes ; This album has NWW list written all over it, and maybe it is ; Mind blowing stuff !!!! , I don't believe there has been a CD re-issue yet. Check the sound files !!!
vendredi 26 septembre 2008
Kenichi Kanazawa "To Strike the Iron" Niitsu Art Forum CD

mardi 23 septembre 2008
The Rodney Forest - Untitled - Qbico Delta - LP
26 hand-made covers by Ju Suk & Tom Recchion (for the ltd ed) + 99 sprayed covers by qbico with stencils artworks by Troglosound (front & back)six versions: orange covers with gold or silver or black letters silver covers with gold or silver or fuchsia lettersrec. 2007, two tracks each side.
lundi 22 septembre 2008
Trevor Wishart- Red Bird - Red Bird: A Political Prisoner's Dream - York Electronic Studios LP
Red Bird is both a piece of music and an allegory of political oppression. It uses the sounds of birds, animals, words ("listen to reason"), & mechanisms, which are 'orchestrated' & transformed into one another". Recorded at University of York Electronic Studio between May 1973 & May 1977.
Trevor Wishart (1946, Leeds, England) has been very active, since the early 1970s in the area of electro-acoustic music (first with tape manipulation, later with computer pieces) and musical theatre pieces. He pays special attention to the objectives of musical education, to holding collaborative perform-projects and solo practice with the use of original vocal techniques. In 1973 he did his doctorate dissertation at the University of York (musical composition). Since the mid 70s he has been doing systematic research into various vocal-speech figures and the possibilities for their noting, giving special emphasis to the computer technologies. He is the author of a number of theoretical books on the issues of musical composition, philosophy and sociology, including such as: Whose Music?.. A Sociology of Musical Languages (Transaction Books Ed.), On Sonic Art. Music in a Technological Age (Gordon & Beach Ed.), Audible Design: A Plain and Easy Introduction to Practical Sound Composition (Orpheus the Pantomime Ed.), and also editions of musical and educational character: Sounds Fun (Universal Edition), Sounds Fun 2 (Universal Edition), Sun (Creativity & Environment, Universal Ed.), Sun 2 (A Creative Philosophy, Universal Ed.). His theoretical and practical musical productions are presented in various international collections and journals, including the following ones: Computer Music Journal, (USA), Leonardo (USA), Contemporary Music Review (Great Britain), Interface (Holland), Les Cahiers d’IRCAM (France), Music Realta (Italy). For many years he taught music and composition at various British educational institutions (such as University of Nottingham, University of Leeds, University of York, etc.), and also abroad: Sogetu Hall (Tokyo), University Complutense (Madrid), Academie d’Ete (Paris), Akademie der Kunst (Berlin), Kyoto University of Arts (Kyoto), Sibelius Akatemia (Helsinki), University of Sidney (Sidney), Royal Conservatory (Hague), Lund University (Lund) and others. He is the author of a number of musical and lingua-artistic productions that were created with support and order from: BBC (London), Paris Bienniale (Paris), Bourges Festival (Bourges), Swedish Radio (Stockholm), French Ministry of Culture (Paris) and others. Wishart is the holder of numerous prizes and awards, among them are the prizes of the International Festival of ElectroAcoustic Music (Bourges, 1978), Ars Electronica (Linz, 1988), and also the main prizes at the: Euphonie d’Or (Bourges Festival, Bourges, 1992), Golden Nica Award (Ars Electronica, Linz, 1995). Several times he was a jury member at festivals and professional contests, among them are the following ones: Ars Electronica (Linz, 1991-93), International Computer Music Conference (1991-94), Stockholm International Electronic Music Festival (1995). Since 1980 till 1999 he was a member of the organizing committee (1990-93 – a chairman) of the Sonic Art Network (EMAS), also initiated the Composers Desktop Project aimed at providing composers with high technology software. He is the author and designer of the unique in Britain 54-channel sounding of the Jorvik Viking Center Multimedia Museum (York). Trevor Wishart lives and works in York (Great Britain) Bio taken from
This has also been released on CD on October Music and on Electronic Music Foundation in 2000.
dimanche 21 septembre 2008
Günter Maas - Klangbilder - Private Press - LP
klangbilder” contains four extended pieces, ranging from oskar-sala-esque sheets of detuned electronic sound (composed on the then state-of-the-art siemens synthesizer utilizing an experimental photo-electric coupler which converted his paintings into control-voltage !!!) to dark musique concréte pieces utilizing evil-sounding mass-chants & “traditional” processing ... the record builds in a linear fashion, climaxing with the intense “reise” ; ten minutes of turbulent environmental noises & dissonant, rasping synthesized tone clusters ...